[SAR] is happy to announce Celeste as out December Challenge winner! I love how Celeste made this beautiful "jacket" for the candle. Knowing how creative she is, she will probably make one for every holiday!
Happy New Year! We hope that 2009 brings nothing but peace, health & happiness to all of you!
Sadly, I made the decision to retire the [SAR] blog. It has been a great ride. Working with Jolene & Patti on challenges every month has been very rewarding. We have had 2 awesome Guest designers in Kelli and Sheryl, thanks for lending us your creative talents ladies! I might post some altering challenges at SBO in the coming year. If you are interested, join us, it is a great community with some very talented scrappers!
Our many thanks to those of you who took the time to play with us!!
sorry to hear that! Best of luck to what endevours you pursue in 2009!
I am sorry to hear that as well. I will miss the inspiration!
oh I`m so sorry to hear this, I will miss it
sorry to see you closing up shop. but look forward to the challenges over at SBO
I will miss {SAR}!! It was a blast to be involved in this fun endeavor w/Jan & Jolene. Thank you, Jan for including me. I had a great time and am proud to have been a part of [some] assembly required. hugs, Patti
Congrats on the December win, Celeste! Love that festive wrapped candle.
Sorry to hear this.Best of luck with eveything.
It's sad to hear the blog is retiring. But I surely enjoyed this blog even though I've only discovered it recently. I will miss it. Thanks for the inspiration!
Congratulations to Celeste! Sorry to hear the blog is retiring - it's been a lot of fun and it was very exciting to be a guest designer for the month. Thanks Jan, Jolene and Patti!
I wish to congratulate Celeste! It's a beautiful Candle!
However,I am very saddened to hear that the blog is ending. I've enjoyed the site & the ladies inspiration found here from all the wonderful talent.
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